All classes are Free. Space is limited. Please sign up in our office, call or email to reserve your spot. Also be sure to watch Facebook and emails for additional dates or changes.
Eat Well-Move Well-Think Well Class

Dr. Chestnut dispels the common myth that we are sick because of bad luck, bad germs or bad genes. Dr. Chestnut uses research and common logic to prove that the only viable solution for wellness and prevention is adopting a lifestyle based on our genetic requirements for healthy eating, moving and thinking.
"No drug or surgery will ever be the solution to health problems created by improper nutrition, inactivity, or emotional stress."
Your health is the direct manifestation of how you choose to eat, move, and think.
In order to be well, you must eat well, move well, and think well.
Total Length: 120mins
2013 Dates (Dates and Times May be Subject to Change Due to Weather and Holidays )
January 24th
March 21st
April 25th
May 16th
June 20th
July 25th
August 22nd
September 19th
October 17th
November 21st
Doc+U=Movie Night Free Documentary Movie Night at Meek Chiropractic
January 29th-Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
February 26th-Knives over Forks
March 26th-Doctored
April 30th-Bursynski-Cancer is Serious Business

May 21st-Food, Inc.
June 25th-Food Matters
July 30th-King Corn
August 27th-Escape Fire
September 24th-Super Size Me
October 29th-The Business of Being Born
November 12th-Killer at Large