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Monday, November 16, 2015

Natural Back Relief During Pregnancy

Serola Sacroiliac Belt

How can the Serola Sacrioliac Belt help me during and after pregnancy?

The importance of using the Serola Sacroiliac Belt during and, especially, after pregnancy cannot be overemphasized. During pregnancy, the ligaments, under hormonal influences, become lax and stretch to allow the pelvis to spread for delivery. It is important to hold the sacroiliac and pubic joints firmly together after delivery in order to assist the ligaments in shortening and realigning the pelvis properly.

Our doctors at Meek Chiropractic in Springfield, MO guide our pregnant and postpartum patients through the process of staying healthy and pain free naturally so you can be the best 
mommy you can be. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Top 5 Reason's To Choose Chiropractic During Pregnancy

Top 5 Reason's To Choose Chiropractic During Pregnancy

  1. Maintaining a healthier pregnancy
  2. Controlling Symptoms of Nausea
  3. Reducing the time of labor and delivery
  4. Relieving lower back pain, neck or joint pain, and headaches
  5. Preventing a potential cesarean delivery

Visit the American Pregnancy Association for more information.  

Is chiropractic care during pregnancy safe?

There are no known contraindications to chiropractic care throughout pregnancy. All chiropractors are trained to work with women who are pregnant. Investing in the fertility and pregnancy wellness of women who are pregnant or trying to conceive is a routine care for most chiropractors.
Some chiropractors take a specific interest in prenatal and postnatal care and seek additional training. Below represents designations of chiropractors who have taken advanced steps in working with infertility and pregnancy wellness.
  • DACCP – Diplomate with ICPA reflecting highest level of advanced training
  • CACCP – Certified with the ICPA reflecting advanced training
  • Member of ICPA reflecting special interest
  • Webster Certified – trained to work specifically with pelvic balance in pregnancy
Visit our Website to learn more about Dr. Danielle Engle and Dr. Christine Carson who are certified through ICPA.