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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

6 Health Benefits Of Quitting Sugar And 6 Foods To Help You Kick The Habit

There’s nothing sweet about what too much sugar does to your diet and your health. Sugar has been linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers, acne, wrinkles and other signs of accelerated aging. But did you know that sugar is as addictive as cocaine, and it’s also damaging to your liver and your brain? What’s more, cancers use sugar to fuel their growth. National surveys show that sugar intake has drastically increased over the past few decades. The average American now consumes 100 pounds of sugar each year. Americans’ daily sugar intake is about 20 teaspoons each -- more than 300 calories from added sugars alone.  Meek Chiropractic offers a 10-Day Blood Sugar Support Program.  By following this program, for just 10 days, you can help support a well-functioning blood sugar metabolism and support new habits to support your vitality.  This program includes an eating plan, and supplements designed to support well-functioning blood sugar.  You'll soon realize how your eating habits affect mood, sleep, energy levels and food cravings.  



Replacing sugary foods with protein is one of the best ways to stabilize your blood sugar levels. In fact, depending on the food, a protein-rich meal can actually slow down the absorption of sugar and prevent glucose spikes, which, in turn, can reduce your sugar cravings.
Eating more protein doesn’t just mean chowing down on a piece of steak, either. While grass-fed beef is a great source, chicken, lentils, black beans, wild-caught salmon, eggs, and full-fat dairy (like yogurt or kefir) also make the list for best protein foods.



While fat has gotten a bad rap in the past, experts are finally realizing that healthy fats are great for your body, particularly when you’re transitioning to a low-sugar diet. When it comes to burning energy, your body turns to sugar first. But when you’ve eliminated sugar, it starts burning fat. In addition to using any dietary fat sources for energy, you will also start to burn any fat reserves in the body. So not only will it help you become a lean, mean fat-burning machine, but your body will become accustomed to using fat for fuel and will actually crave more healthy fats, further crushing those sugar cravings.
The best fats to add to your diet are avocados, which are also rich in protein; raw, organic or grass-fed butter (not to be confused with butter-like substances or margarine); extra virgin olive oil; and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like nuts, fatty fish, seeds, and leafy greens. Our doctors recommend coconut oil. Coconut oil is very healthy and should definitely be a regular part of your diet. Coconut oil is high in (healthy) saturated fat, and the AHA recommends that men and women consume no more than 30 grams per day, and 20 grams per day, respectively. The good news is that most people are unlikely to surpass that amount unless they are on a high-fat, low-carb diet like the ketogenic diet.



Grocery store shelves are packed with foods that are enriched with fiber (i.e. the fiber is added artificially during processing), but when it comes to managing that sweet tooth, you’ll want to choose foods that are naturally high in soluble fiber like nuts, flaxseeds, berries, and carrots. The fiber in these foods slows down the speed of digestion, which then stabilizes blood sugar levels. This process effectively reduces blood sugar spikes as well as the risk of diabetes.
Another benefit of a high-fiber diet is that you’ll feel full for longer after eating since the food is not being digested quite as quickly. That translates to fewer mid-day snacks or cravings for post-dinner treats. You might even find yourself losing a pound or two when you cut down on nibbling between meals because you’re satiated for longer after eating.



What do probiotic foods have to do with reducing sugar cravings? As it turns out, a lot. Probiotics are natural enemies of the Candida yeast, which can cause a host of health issues including skin rashes like psoriasis, brain fog, weight gain, and yeast infectionsCandida feeds on sugar, so when it is allowed to grow unchecked, it can trigger intense sugar cravings as it seeks to secure its primary food source.
By eliminating sugar, you’ll also start to starve the Candida, but adding probiotic foods to the mix can ramp up those results. By eating more probiotic foods, the good bacteria in your gut will flourish, while keeping Candida and other bad bacteria at bay (an ideal ratio is about 85% good/neutral bacteria and 15% bad). That means fewer sugar cravings, and also better skin, a happier tummy, and a more powerful immune system.
Kefir, apple cider vinegar, Greek yogurt (plain, organic varieties are best), and kombucha are all packed with probiotics and are easy to find at the grocery store.



When you want something sweet, one of the best ways to fight that urge quickly is to eat something sour. And as an added bonus, many sour foods are also high in probiotics or organic acids, which support good bacteria growth and further elimination of sugar-loving Candida.
Sauerkraut, kimchi and other fermented foods are great foods to add to meals or salads to curb that sweet tooth. Adding lemon or lime slices to your water can also help. The acids found in these fruits slow down digestion, keeping blood sugar levels from spiking and crashing, and improving nutrient absorption. Hello, detox. Goodbye, sweet tooth.



Finally, increasing the number of herbs and spices used in your kitchen will help release your body from the addictive grip of sugar, reduce cravings and improve your overall health.
Ginger, for example, is a natural anti-inflammatory that enhances insulin sensitivity, which protects against diabetes. It’s fantastic added to a smoothie or brewed into a tea with a little raw honey and fresh lemon.
Turmeric is another powerful spice that’s great for fighting sugar cravings. It’s known to lower blood sugar and fight against insulin resistance. And if your cholesterol is higher than you’d like, turmeric helps with that, too. 

Monday, October 2, 2017

10 Ways To Improve Your Digestion Naturally

10 Ways To Improve Your Digestion Naturally

When your digestive system is off, your health can suffer in all sorts of ways. In addition to digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, or gas, you may also experience food allergies, weight gain, eczema, exhaustion, asthma, and more.

If unaddressed, these symptoms can manifest into chronic health conditions. If done the right way, you can obtain a healthy digestion without drugs, crazy diets or deprivation.

Here are 10 ways you can start taking steps today to improve your digestion

1. Chew your food.
Good digestion starts in the mouth. When you chew your food well, it eases the work required from your digestive system, so your body can focus on other tasks instead.

2. Eat real foods.
Focus on whole, fresh foods. Avoid the "fake" stuff, including processed foods and fast-foods, which are typically high in refined salt, sugar, and processed oils. Also, they're difficult for your body to digest, and they don't provide any nutritional value.

3. Eat fermented and cultured foods.
Fermented foods are high in "good bacteria" and eating them will help you to regenerate your gut flora naturally. The greater the variety of fermented and cultured foods you can include in your diet, the better. Try eating sauerkraut, kefir, fermented vegetables, kimchi, or Kombucha. If you have a severe gut disorder, start slowly. Allow time for your internal environment to change and for your digestive system to become healthier and stronger.

4. Be good to your liver.
You can heal your digestive system by supporting your liver to work efficiently and effectively. If your digestion can handle it, try to boost your intake of liver-loving foods by consuming carrots, beetroot and leafy greens in soups and freshly squeezed juices. Take supplements with bitter herbs such as dandelion and/or milk thistle.

5. Get hydrated.
Many people with digestive disorders are extremely dehydrated. If that might be an issue for you, try increasing your water intake today! Try to drink at least one glass of water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice.

Herbal teas are another great way to hydrate and heal your body. Peppermint, ginger, fennel and fenugreek are known for their digestive supporting properties. If you're looking for a coffee substitute, try dandelion tea with milk (or your favorite milk substitute).

6. Manage your stress.
Stress doesn't just wreak havoc on your mind; it can mess with your digestion! There are many ways to reduce stress.  Give yourself permission to discover what kinds of relaxing activities work best for you.  Gentle activities such as meditation, breathing, yoga, walking and naps really help reduce stress levels.

7. Reset with a regular detox.
A gentle detox on a regular basis can be a great way to reset your entire digestive system. Try starting with Standard Process 21 Day Jump Start Plan or 10 Day Inflammation Plan to jump start your digestion health.

8. Support your body with Glutamine.
Glutamine is one of the most important nutrients that you can give your body as it supports the repair and regeneration of the intestinal lining in your body and also soothes inflammation. You can find glutamine in supplement form and it's also found in foods such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, beets, beans, spinach, parsley and fresh vegetable juices. Check with a health care professional before taking any supplements. At Meek Chiropractic, we offer Standard Process supplements which will help aid in your healthy digestion needs (See Below for a description)

9. Get macrobiotics.
Probiotics are the "good" bacteria that have been shown to improve gut health. They are easily available as dietary supplements. For best results, work with a qualified health practitioner.

10. Chiropractic and Acupuncture.
As a result, ailments such as chronic acid reflux, upset stomach and constipation develop. Until the interference in your nervous system is corrected, these conditions will continue to ail you. A Chiropractor can safely, gently and non-invasively correct subluxations in your spine through chiropractic manipulation.

Acupuncture therapy can release blocked qi in the body and stimulate function, evoking the body's natural healing response through various physiological systems. ... By stimulating the body's various systems, acupuncture can help to digestive function

If you're experiencing health disorders, consider that your body is trying to communicate with you. Listen to your body and use these 10 healing ideas to re-balance and heal your digestive system.