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Thursday, December 27, 2012

2013 FREE Education Classes and Documentary

All classes are Free.  Space is limited.  Please sign up in our office, call or email to reserve your spot.  Also be sure to watch Facebook and emails for additional dates or changes.

Eat Well-Move Well-Think Well Class

Humans have become the world's sickest animals. Why is this? What can we do about it? With our health status in continual decline, it's time to look beyond drugs and surgery as solutions to the pandemic of chronic illness.
Dr. Chestnut dispels the common myth that we are sick because of bad luck, bad germs or bad genes. Dr. Chestnut uses research and common logic to prove that the only viable solution for wellness and prevention is adopting a lifestyle based on our genetic requirements for healthy eating, moving and thinking.
"No drug or surgery will ever be the solution to health problems created by improper nutrition, inactivity, or emotional stress."
Your health is the direct manifestation of how you choose to eat, move, and think.
In order to be well, you must eat well, move well, and think well.
Total Length: 120mins

2013 Dates (Dates and Times May be Subject to Change Due to Weather and Holidays )

January 24th
                      March 21st
                   April 25th
                    May 16th
                  June 20th
                July 25th
                   August 22nd
                     September 19th
                 October 17th
                 November 21st

Doc+U=Movie Night  Free Documentary Movie Night at Meek Chiropractic

January 29th-Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead


February 26th-Knives over Forks

 Forks Over Knives - The DVD

March 26th-Doctored


April 30th-Bursynski-Cancer is Serious Business


May 21st-Food, Inc.

Food, Inc.

June 25th-Food Matters


July 30th-King Corn

Product Details

August 27th-Escape Fire


September 24th-Super Size Me

Product Details

October 29th-The Business of Being Born

 The Business of Being Born
 November 12th-Killer at Large

 Killer at Large


Saturday, December 1, 2012


If you have a sick plant, do you care for the leaves? 

Or the Root?

What if this year instead of masking our health problems, we looked to the root of how to fix our health problem.  When a plant is unhealthy we don't try to heal the leaves.  We try to heal the roots.  Water it, give it nutrients, light, love etc. 
Same rules apply to your body.  If you are having health issues, you must look to the root of the problem.  Not mask your health issues over with medications.  The body is built to heal itself with the right care, nutrition and exercise.  However, in today's world, we expect instant results.  We take the easy road,which in the long run, is making you SICK.  For the New Year, Meek Chiropractic gives you this challenge.  Look to the root of your problems and take the road less traveled.  Let us help you figure out the how to do that.   "The KEY to health is education.  Let Meek Chiropractic help you UNLOCK your potential"  See our calendar ( for exciting classes to make 2013 your year for real results in changing your health.

Together we can can make a difference. 

Meek Chiropractic is dedicating 2013 to educating our patients, their family and our community.  WHY?

2013 will be a year of change.  Change in our healthcare system and change to the way YOU need to be proactive in your own health.  There are many unknowns with the new healthcare law and we are learning weekly new details of what to expect not only for our patients, but how our doctors will be able to give you the care you need.    One thing is sure.  It is more important now than ever for you to start taking steps to live a healthier life so you don’t get sick.    

Medicare Definition of Maintenance: Non-Covered Services (This means Medicare will not pay for the services that fall under this definition)
" Maintenance therapy is defined as a treatment plan that seeks to prevent disease, promote health, and prolong and enhance the quality of life; or therapy that is performed to maintain or prevent deterioration of a chronic condition. When further clinical improvement cannot reasonably be expected from continuous ongoing care, and the chiropractic treatment becomes supportive rather than corrective in nature, the treatment is then considered maintenance therapy. For information on how to indicate on a claim a treatment is or is not maintenance, see §240.1.3."

Medicare rules set the standards for other insurance companies.  Since Medicare must be the lowest paying, many insurance companies follow Medicare fee schedules.  With changes in 2013 new healthcare laws, many more services may fall under this maintenance definition with many insurance companies which could change what services will be covered and what prescriptions will be covered under insurance plans.  What does this mean-It is time to find the root of your problem and take a proactive approach to your health so you will not have to worry about what will be covered or not. 

NUMBER ONE:  If you are currently not experiencing any major health concerns, it is important NOW, to take preventative steps in your health. Make sure to start employing preventative care with your healthcare specialist;dentist, optometrist, family physicians and chiropractors.  All of these doctors know the key to being healthy is preventing illness before it starts. 

NUMBER TWO:  Get healthy or at least healthier-  We understand, this is easier said than done for most of us.  But, here is how Meek Chiropractic is going to help you get started. 

 Meek Chiropractic will be hosting community sponsored classes which are FREE.  We are working weekly to add to our sponsored classes.  

Current Monthly Sponsored FREE Classes:
Sumit Hot Yoga (Check our calendar/facebook/emails for dates and time)
Mama Jeans Cooking Classes (Check our calendar/facebook/emails for dates and time/Class Topic)
 These classes are open to ALL. 
Sign up sheets will be in our office.  You may also email or call our office to reserve your spot.  Space is limited.

FREE Patient Education Classes
Each month our doctors will be teaching a class on topics such as Food Allergies, Natural Pediatric Care, Hormones, Weight loss etc.  These classes are TBA so please check our calendar/Facebook/Emails for dates and time/Class Topics.  These classes are open to ALL. 
Sign up sheets will be in our office.  You may also email or call our office to reserve your spot.  Space is limited.

DOC+U=Movie Night  
Meek Chiropractic will be showing a FREE documentary on health related topics to inspire and educate everyone on the importance of getting healthy and staying healthy.  You can check our calendar at for more information.  These movies will be held in our office the last Tuesday of every month, unless date changes due to holiday or weather.  Sign up sheets will be in our office.  You may also email or call our office to reserve your spot.  Space is limited.  If there is a high demand, we may decide to have a second showing.

Eat Well-Move Well-Think Well
 This will be a FREE monthly class.

"No drug or surgery will ever be the solution to health problems created by improper nutrition, inactivity, or emotional stress."
Your health is the direct manifestation of how you choose to eat, move, and think.  
These classes are open to ALL. 
Sign up sheets will be in our office.  You may also email or call our office to reserve your spot. Space is limited.


Community Screenings/Health Fairs/Lunch and Learns
Throughout the year Meek Chiropractic will be at Expos, businesses, health fairs, etc to help education the community about chiropractic and our office.

Our next Blog will have more details and dates regarding movies and classes.