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Thursday, December 27, 2012

2013 FREE Education Classes and Documentary

All classes are Free.  Space is limited.  Please sign up in our office, call or email to reserve your spot.  Also be sure to watch Facebook and emails for additional dates or changes.

Eat Well-Move Well-Think Well Class

Humans have become the world's sickest animals. Why is this? What can we do about it? With our health status in continual decline, it's time to look beyond drugs and surgery as solutions to the pandemic of chronic illness.
Dr. Chestnut dispels the common myth that we are sick because of bad luck, bad germs or bad genes. Dr. Chestnut uses research and common logic to prove that the only viable solution for wellness and prevention is adopting a lifestyle based on our genetic requirements for healthy eating, moving and thinking.
"No drug or surgery will ever be the solution to health problems created by improper nutrition, inactivity, or emotional stress."
Your health is the direct manifestation of how you choose to eat, move, and think.
In order to be well, you must eat well, move well, and think well.
Total Length: 120mins

2013 Dates (Dates and Times May be Subject to Change Due to Weather and Holidays )

January 24th
                      March 21st
                   April 25th
                    May 16th
                  June 20th
                July 25th
                   August 22nd
                     September 19th
                 October 17th
                 November 21st

Doc+U=Movie Night  Free Documentary Movie Night at Meek Chiropractic

January 29th-Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead


February 26th-Knives over Forks

 Forks Over Knives - The DVD

March 26th-Doctored


April 30th-Bursynski-Cancer is Serious Business


May 21st-Food, Inc.

Food, Inc.

June 25th-Food Matters


July 30th-King Corn

Product Details

August 27th-Escape Fire


September 24th-Super Size Me

Product Details

October 29th-The Business of Being Born

 The Business of Being Born
 November 12th-Killer at Large

 Killer at Large


Saturday, December 1, 2012


If you have a sick plant, do you care for the leaves? 

Or the Root?

What if this year instead of masking our health problems, we looked to the root of how to fix our health problem.  When a plant is unhealthy we don't try to heal the leaves.  We try to heal the roots.  Water it, give it nutrients, light, love etc. 
Same rules apply to your body.  If you are having health issues, you must look to the root of the problem.  Not mask your health issues over with medications.  The body is built to heal itself with the right care, nutrition and exercise.  However, in today's world, we expect instant results.  We take the easy road,which in the long run, is making you SICK.  For the New Year, Meek Chiropractic gives you this challenge.  Look to the root of your problems and take the road less traveled.  Let us help you figure out the how to do that.   "The KEY to health is education.  Let Meek Chiropractic help you UNLOCK your potential"  See our calendar ( for exciting classes to make 2013 your year for real results in changing your health.

Together we can can make a difference. 

Meek Chiropractic is dedicating 2013 to educating our patients, their family and our community.  WHY?

2013 will be a year of change.  Change in our healthcare system and change to the way YOU need to be proactive in your own health.  There are many unknowns with the new healthcare law and we are learning weekly new details of what to expect not only for our patients, but how our doctors will be able to give you the care you need.    One thing is sure.  It is more important now than ever for you to start taking steps to live a healthier life so you don’t get sick.    

Medicare Definition of Maintenance: Non-Covered Services (This means Medicare will not pay for the services that fall under this definition)
" Maintenance therapy is defined as a treatment plan that seeks to prevent disease, promote health, and prolong and enhance the quality of life; or therapy that is performed to maintain or prevent deterioration of a chronic condition. When further clinical improvement cannot reasonably be expected from continuous ongoing care, and the chiropractic treatment becomes supportive rather than corrective in nature, the treatment is then considered maintenance therapy. For information on how to indicate on a claim a treatment is or is not maintenance, see §240.1.3."

Medicare rules set the standards for other insurance companies.  Since Medicare must be the lowest paying, many insurance companies follow Medicare fee schedules.  With changes in 2013 new healthcare laws, many more services may fall under this maintenance definition with many insurance companies which could change what services will be covered and what prescriptions will be covered under insurance plans.  What does this mean-It is time to find the root of your problem and take a proactive approach to your health so you will not have to worry about what will be covered or not. 

NUMBER ONE:  If you are currently not experiencing any major health concerns, it is important NOW, to take preventative steps in your health. Make sure to start employing preventative care with your healthcare specialist;dentist, optometrist, family physicians and chiropractors.  All of these doctors know the key to being healthy is preventing illness before it starts. 

NUMBER TWO:  Get healthy or at least healthier-  We understand, this is easier said than done for most of us.  But, here is how Meek Chiropractic is going to help you get started. 

 Meek Chiropractic will be hosting community sponsored classes which are FREE.  We are working weekly to add to our sponsored classes.  

Current Monthly Sponsored FREE Classes:
Sumit Hot Yoga (Check our calendar/facebook/emails for dates and time)
Mama Jeans Cooking Classes (Check our calendar/facebook/emails for dates and time/Class Topic)
 These classes are open to ALL. 
Sign up sheets will be in our office.  You may also email or call our office to reserve your spot.  Space is limited.

FREE Patient Education Classes
Each month our doctors will be teaching a class on topics such as Food Allergies, Natural Pediatric Care, Hormones, Weight loss etc.  These classes are TBA so please check our calendar/Facebook/Emails for dates and time/Class Topics.  These classes are open to ALL. 
Sign up sheets will be in our office.  You may also email or call our office to reserve your spot.  Space is limited.

DOC+U=Movie Night  
Meek Chiropractic will be showing a FREE documentary on health related topics to inspire and educate everyone on the importance of getting healthy and staying healthy.  You can check our calendar at for more information.  These movies will be held in our office the last Tuesday of every month, unless date changes due to holiday or weather.  Sign up sheets will be in our office.  You may also email or call our office to reserve your spot.  Space is limited.  If there is a high demand, we may decide to have a second showing.

Eat Well-Move Well-Think Well
 This will be a FREE monthly class.

"No drug or surgery will ever be the solution to health problems created by improper nutrition, inactivity, or emotional stress."
Your health is the direct manifestation of how you choose to eat, move, and think.  
These classes are open to ALL. 
Sign up sheets will be in our office.  You may also email or call our office to reserve your spot. Space is limited.


Community Screenings/Health Fairs/Lunch and Learns
Throughout the year Meek Chiropractic will be at Expos, businesses, health fairs, etc to help education the community about chiropractic and our office.

Our next Blog will have more details and dates regarding movies and classes. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Natural Treatment Options for Pediatrics"

     As a Chiropractor with specialization in pediatric care, I see a lot of parents worried about their kids through cold and flu season.  I am going to address a few of the most common questions that I get all the time in my office. 
First of all, the one thing I hear the most is, “Dr. Loehr, my son had a fever last night”.  I can see the surprise in that parent’s eyes when my first reply is “Great!  How high was it?” You see, most parents are worried about that child having a fever because our culture tells us, as a whole, that this is a bad thing.  However, a fever is a great thing.  Our bodies are designed to get warmer to fight infection. Fever kills bacteria and viruses, it helps the body eliminate toxins, and it proves to us that the immune system is working properly.  In fact, without a fever, our bodies are usually unable to properly fight off infection and heal.
So, the second question is, “How high of a fever is okay?”  The answer here is not as simple.  First of all, if this is an infant that is 3 months old or less, if the fever surpasses 99.5 orally or 100.4 rectally, call your pediatrician immediately.  However, if the child is 3 months or older, how high a fever is doesn't tell you much about how sick your child is. For instance, a simple cold or other viral infection can cause a higher fever (102°-104°F), but this doesn't usually indicate a serious problem.  For kids above 3 months old, the general rule is, if the fever is 102.2 or higher; call your doctor to see if we need to see them.  If there are no other symptoms present besides the fever, research shows that no treatment is necessary.  If other symptoms are present, or if the fever is sustained past 48 hours, we would need to make a decision about treatment at that time.  If the fever ever passes 104, you need to seek medical attention immediately.    So, as a general rule, 99.5 means fever.  102.2 means call doctor. 104+ means get help quickly.
Third question: “If my child has a fever, are they contagious?”   Answer: If your child has a cold or the flu, everyone that has been around them in the last 24-48 hours has been exposed.  How “contagious” your child is depends more about how “healthy” everyone around them is.  What I mean by that statement is this: We are all exposed to bacteria and viruses on a daily basis.  Our bodies are designed to naturally defend themselves and ward off these attacks.  If we are not eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep, our bodies become weak.  It is at this time that our immune system cannot fight off infection.  So, yes, most of the time your child is a carrier of whatever virus or bacteria they are fighting, but if everyone around them is taking care of themselves properly, you shouldn’t worry about the infection spreading.
The most common other questions I hear regarding cold and flu are usually about coughs, sinus infections, ear aches, etc.  I will address these issues (and more) at a workshop on Tuesday, November 13th at 6:30 pm.  I plan to give a short presentation on “Natural Treatment Options for Pediatrics”, followed by an open forum where I will answer any questions that guests have. Please call 417-887-0340 or see the checkout desk at our office to reserve your spot, Hope to see you there!
-Dr. Loehr

Monday, September 3, 2012

Meek Family Food Allergy Story

September is National Food Allergy Month:

Meek Chiropractic offers services that they believe are beneficial to the community and their patients.  Dr. Meek and his family added the food allergy testing as a service to patients almost a year ago.  It was tried and tested by the doctors, staff and family before it was offered as a service to patients.  This is how most things in our office are added to make sure we are offering the best quality care.  In recognition of September being National Food Allergy Month, Dr. Meek's wife, Tara, wanted to share their family's story about their own food allergies.  

Hello-I am for the first time going to share our story with patients. It is hard to admit when things are going wrong with your kids because as a parent, you think it is usually something you are doing wrong.  In our case, it was not something we were doing.  It was something we were eating.  I also want to disclose that English grammar and spelling are not my strong points.  So please,  all you teachers out there,  DO NOT GRADE MY PAPER :))

Our first son, Dawson, was born in October 2001.  As a healthy baby who was breastfed, everything seemed perfect until he reached 8 months old.  At 8 months, I stopped breastfeeding because our pediatrician strongly suggested I get our son on milk.  The doctor advised our son was gaining too much weight with breastfeeding.  I, admittedly, was ready to stop because it was very demanding and limited the freedom of running to the store etc.  Very selfish looking back, I know. 

Dawson immediately started projectile vomiting with every feeding of milk.  The pediatrician suggested this was normal because Dawson's system was trying to get use to the change.  Seemed reasonable as new parents.  So we continued.  The vomiting did seem to get better after a few months, but something else was happening.  Dawson began getting upper respiratory infections, bad diaper rashes, and diarrhea.  Our pediatrician began ordering at home breathing treatments, which did help, but when stopped, the symptoms would return.  All of Dawson's symptoms seemed to be getting worse with every passing week.  He was also not sleeping well, very cranky and getting reoccurring ear infections.  (Dawson now has some hearing loss due to so much fluid drainage to his ears over the years).  Fevers started to occur every two weeks causing us to miss a lot of work and running to the doctor for chest x-rays to rule out pneumonia. It wasn't until a family member suggested it may be milk that we even considered the idea.  Dr. Meek had a brother who could not tolerate dairy.  So we decided to experiment on our own.  Not knowing what else to give our child because we had both grown up knowing every child must have milk for strong bones and protein (my grandparents were dairy farmers), we researched some options and chose to try soy.  (Soy now is not recommended as a supplement to milk for children which later we changed to rice or almond milk).  Within a day, we had a different child.  Even family could see Dawson was happier, more active and seemed to feel better.  After two weeks of improvement, we took Dawson to see his pediatrician excited to share our discovery.  However, our excitement was not shared with the doctor.  He strongly told us we were wrong in doing this and told us to get our son back on regular milk immediately.  We shook our heads yes, but deep down there was no way we were going to do this.  It was sad that we had to resort to lying to our sons doctor in order to keep him healthy. 

Years passed and we as a family started getting used to the idea that we needed to stay away from cheese, dairy, ice-cream and any other product with milk as an ingredient.  We were not perfect and resorted to not monitoring it very closely due to laziness.  Dawson during preschool to 4th grade would experience emotional outbreaks, disturbed sleep, rage, paranoia, nightmares,  sleep walking, and crying from leg pain which would be so terrible he would scoot on his rear to get around.  Dawson would also check the doors several times during the night and made sure the alarm was set.  They only way to get him to sleep was to let him sleep in our bed.  Dawson was starting to struggle at school, falling asleep, being very disrespectful to teachers and us.  I hate to admit this, but we hated picking up our son from school because the car ride was always a fight, homework was a fight, and the teachers were stopping us weekly to talk to us about Dawson's behavior at school.  The stress of not knowing what was happening to our once sweet loving son was almost unbearable.  That was until September 2011.

What changed September 2011?  Well, in order to explain, I have to share that in 2008, Dr. Meek and I had our second son, Ben.  Because of Dawson, I breastfed Ben longer, and kept him away from dairy just in case.  However, once starting Ben on solid foods, he started experiencing his own problems.  Fevers every few weeks, which ended in runny noses, mucus, and blisters on his hands and feet.  Ben also had problems  burping up food in the evening which looked to be what he had eaten at lunch.  Ben would vomit and get diarrhea.  It was not until the summer of 2011 when Ben was visiting his pediatrician for the reflux that we decided to tackle the underlying problem which may be going on because the pediatrician wanted to put Ben on reflux medication at 2 years old and possibly do a scope.  As a mom, I just had this feeling there was more than we could see going on.  Because of our experience with Dawson, I immediately thought about food being the source of our problem.

Dr. Baca had joined our office that year and he was discussing the food allergy testing with us, so we decided all of us should have it done.  Once we received our family's results, we knew there were many things we needed to change in our diets, but knew the task would not be easy.

Dr. Meek's results:  Very high allergy to dairy, eggs, gluten, garlic, yeast and wheat.  (This finaly explained why he suffered over a decade of reflux and digestion issues.  His symptoms of these are gone since changing our diet)

Dawson's reults:  Very high allergy to dairy, eggs, gluten and wheat.

Ben's results:  Very high allergy to dairy, eggs, gluten, wheat and cane sugar.

Tara's results:  No allergies

As you can see, our family would now have to learn to eat very differently than we had in the past.  I will admit, it was and is not easy.  After a year, it is still a daily struggle because of school parties, birthday parties, holidays, sleep overs, grandparents and other events.  It is a struggle to teach our kids the choices they make with the food they chose effect their health.  Dawson is starting to notice how he feels when sticking to his diet closely and when he chooses to eat pizza or cake. (Gary and I are too :))  Ben understands what he cannot have, but is still only 3 years old, almost 4, and does not understand certain foods contain things he cannot eat.  Since changing our diet, Dawson is very different, happier, easy to talk to and both kids have not been sick since changing what they eat. 

By going through this experience, Dr. Meek and I started wondering how many of our patients are personally going through unexplained health issues and/or our patient's children.  That is why our office made the choice to add the food allergy testing as an option for our patients.  We understand it is an expensive test at $300 (Most of the charge is for lab testing which are not done in our office), but if done at other medical offices, it can cost $2,000-$3,000 if not more to the patient.  That is if you can get your doctor to do the test.  We found that our doctors tried to send patients to their family doctors to have the test done so insurance would cover the procedure, but the doctors would not order the test because there were no signs they needed it in their eyes. (Many of those patients took our test which resulted to them having some high food allergies.)

If you are interest in finding out more about the allergy testing, please do not hesitate to speak to our doctors.  Many of our patients are finding out it was worth the cost because they have more energy, are less sick and many have even lost weight.

Thank you for taking the time to read our story.  Please share with others.  Your health is important to our doctors and staff.  If there are ever any questions you have, you may also contact me.

Tara Meek

My favorite Cookbook: 

The Healthy Gluten-Free Life: 200 Delicious Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free and Egg-Free Recipes! Tammy Credicott (Author)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Big Brother's Big Sisters of the Ozakrs Fundraiser News

It was 2001.  Dr. Meek and his wife were awaiting the news of who their little would be at Big Brother's Big Sisters.  With a phone call, they finally got the news.  With excitement they attended their first meeting with their little.  All of them obviously very nervous to meet one another.  But within a few minutes, and a little joking around, they knew it would be a good fit.  Their little, had been in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program for years.  By the time they were matched, their little was not far in age from being too old for the program.  Not long after that meeting, Dr. Meek and his wife found out they would be expecting their first child in October 2001.  To this day, Dr. Meek and his wife still stay in touch with the little they were matched to, who now has a child of his own. 

As you can see, Big Brother's Big Sisters of the Ozarks is more than just an organization Meek Chiropractic has chosen to raise money for during their fundraiser.  It is very dear to our hearts.

This year, Meek Chiropractic donated patient portions from July 17, 2012 to Big Brother's Big Sisters to help provide school supplies for kids returning to school in August.  Total raised $1,000.

Thanks to all of our patients who scheduled for that special day in order to help us raise funds for 
Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Dr. Jensen, Megan and Kelly presenting check to Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ozarks -2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How much is it going to cost me to see the doctor?

How much is it going to cost me to see the doctor?

If you call our office and ask this question, we will answer with “It depends”  Why?  Because our doctors have not had the chance to examine you and review your health history/complaints to determine what needs to be done.  Have you ever called your family doctor, told them you fell and hurt your arm and expect them to give you an exact amount of what it will cost to see the doctor?  Probably not. And if you did, more than likely it would be hard for the receptionist to give you that answer.  The receptionist does not know if the doctor needs to take x-rays.  The receptionist would probably not know if the doctor will need to put your arm in a cast if your arm is found to be broken.   Most of us go to other doctors, get treated and never ask questions.  Why?  Because insurance typically covers other services and you know your copay, deductible etc.  It is not so black and white with chiropractic benefits.  

Meek Chiropractic offers our patients.
  1. Preventative Health Assessment-   The Preventative Health Assessment is a great way to see the doctor to ask any questions you may have for them at a low cost.  It also allows the doctor to determine if your problem can be treated with chiropractic.  How does the Preventative Health Assessment work?  You will schedule an appointment and complete all new patient paperwork.  Our staff will call to verify your chiropractic benefits.  You will receive a foot scan and a myovision scan for the doctor to review along with your health history from the new patient paper work.  The doctor will determine, by these, if you would be a good candidate for chiropractic care.  At that point, you still have the choice to choose chiropractic and/or our office.  If you choose NOT to become a patient, you will only be responsible for the $25-$40. (price depends on the time spent with the doctor and the extent of your health history.)  That’s it;  If you would like to become a patient in our office at that time, our staff will be able to tell you how much it will cost to receive additional treatment accordingly.   If you do wish to receive further treatment, you may be asked to schedule a second appointment if the doctor does not have time on his schedule that day for your regular visit.  Great news is on the second visit, most first visit information has been obtained and your visit will be shorter than a typical new patient appointment.   
  2.  Insurance-If you choose to become a patient and have insurance, most insurance plans are accepted at our office. We accept auto accident, workers compensation, personal injury and most health insurance plans, including Medicare. Since there are so many plans and coverage varies widely our staff will verify and explain your benefits before you receive any exam, treatment and/or xrays. 
  3. No Insurance-For patients who have little or no chiropractic insurance coverage, Meek Chiropractic offers ChiroHealth USA which gives them a 25% discount on services not covered, CareCredit which offers no-interest payment plans for up to 18 months, and Meek Chiropractic in office payment plans for up to 3 months can be arranged. If you have no insurance or do not have chiropractic benefits there is still a way for you to receive the care you need. Many patients pay directly for care, as they discover chiropractic to be extremely cost-effective and affordable.
  4. Free Office Tours- Meek Chiropractic understands that choosing and trusting your doctor is very important.  Our office is always open to anyone who would like to take a tour, meet our staff and doctors.  We understand chiropractic is new to a lot of people and with new, comes fear.  By allowing anyone to get a tour of our office, we hope it makes them comfortable with our office, staff, doctors and chiropractic.
  5. Pre-Acceptance Interview-This is a 5-10 min appt to discuss a few questions you may have with a doctor.  Our doctors will also call you if you would rather speak to them by phone.  There is no charge for the pre-acceptance interview.

So as you can see, IT DEPENDS, on how much it will cost you to receive chiropractic care in our office.  However, you can guarantee, before you receive any exam, xrays or treatment, it will be very clear what you will be responsible to pay at the end of your visit. 

This blog is created with our patients in mind.  If you are considering chiropractic, our office, or you are a chiropractic patient with questions, please feel free to post your questions here.  Your question may be featured on a future Q&A.