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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

My Chiropractic Story- Dr. Dani

My Chiropractic Story:
Growing up a very close family member suffered from chronic migraines following pregnancy for over ten years. She had tried every outlet possible without finding relief including being placed on muscle relaxers, anti-inflammations and given injections for years. With no relief, the diagnosis that it was “in her head” and the realization that she was taxing her liver as well as feeling like she was stuck with chronic pain was too much. She finally gave in to a family member’s request to see their chiropractor. Within the first few adjustments she noticed a significant decrease in the severity of her migraines. In the weeks following, the frequency at which she was suffering from migraines also decreased. The family dynamic changed considerably and she was finally able to pull away from the constant fear that she was stuck with having to “just deal with it”.
My realization came quickly that addressing a person in their entirety was a much better approach to simply analyzing the symptoms as had been done in her particular situation. With chiropractic care and some physical therapy she was able to overcome the pain that had been controlling her for the better part of her life. I became inspired to help other families as my own had been helped.
Once at Logan College of Chiropractic I became very interested in nutrition and began working with diet and nutrition. Within a short period of time after subjecting friends and family to my new found knowledge, it was easy to see what an impact diet had on everyday problems with simply tweaking what one ate. While in outpatient clinic I also began working with pregnant women and realized the benefit of chiropractic care not only during pregnancy, but for both the mother and newborn as well. Intrigue immediately turned into a passion for working with pregnancy, pediatrics and children.
Growing up as an athlete I was captivated by the body’s innate ability to heal and move. A Masters in Sports Science and Rehabilitation seemed to be the best route to explore how I could help athletes stay bio-mechanically stable and healthy prior to and post injury.  Sports injuries happen, but through Chiropractic and rehabilitation I have learned how to decrease the chance of injury and re-injury by simply teaching an athlete to fire the correct muscles in the correct pattern use proper form and maintain a balanced spine. I can’t make you an athlete, but I can make you a better one.

-Dani Engle

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